
huh what? What’s going on here, I just asked if he was wrong....Hold your horses

The Titanic sank 104 years ago, its OK to joke about it.........

This is a joke no? The Titanic sank in 19-fucking ‘12. Stop being a god damn pussy.

Why do all of these robots have to mimic human form, with two legs and all. It just seems impractical.

but, does that make him wrong?

life uhh, life finds a way...

fuck you asshole for writing this article, you are part of the ignorant problem, not the solution. get a real job

what do you expect from watch 2? i hope its thinner, and relies less on the phone

Deterrence, all you need is one nuke. that it, just one. Hence why Iran wants one and why Kim Jong thinks he’s a total badass.

So i think this is stupid now, because there is only 1 apple watch model out. But if you never sell your watch, and you upgrade, and buy a new one, then you’ll have two, and so on.

Well that’s some bullshit. My opinion on this washing machine has changed drastically. Fuck this thing

you know, i thought the same thing, but then how would it know when you are out of detergent to automatically reorder? Its a fucking paradox

Well alright, i read your long response thoroughly, and with very little thought, i agree with you. The only two cool things are the notifications and the fact you can dump a whole detergent bottle into the machine and the machine will dispense it for you. I like that because filling the stupid detergent’s cup cap,

Good Point

No not really, hows this any different from an ice maker? Who is too lazy to refill simple ice trays, too lazy to manually crank down windows? its all the same shit

Candy Gram for Mongo!

Great catch, they are already doing this “self service” system at Disney World. The employees at these places will soon diminish. Especially with everyone clamoring for $15 minimum wage, but don’t want to pay more than a $1 for their double cheeseburger with no pickles.

$15 minimum wage is absolutely horseshit.... that nearly doubling what people currently pay. But the one thing you do notice in this McDonald’ cashier. Expect that coming soon. Go ahead and pray for your $15 wage and watch unemployment skyrocket, small business close up, and prices of nearly everything increase.

go on....

i agree with 3/4’s of this, the space shuttle is not a war machine though lol