Rei Ayanami

I can only imagine someone under the age of 20 trying to make sense of that second sentence.

That said, it works for me.

To sum up, it’s NOT funny because it’s true.

Childhood is when you idolize Batman; Adulthood is when you fight off the existential dread that your life meant nothing by *burp* lulz Pickle Rick!!

“ looks like the kind of gritty reboot that would’ve been perfectly at home on a Saturday morning in the ‘90s”

In her defense, Jeff Gillooly is clearly a made up name.

Don’t worry, AV Club didn’t produce this content.
You can worry that they propagated it rather than produced original material.

I mean, if it’s a biting indictment of USA Today...then bravo!!!

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel

Wait, this has Jude Law AND Susan Sarandon?

Anime is saved.

You think all this white space could exist on the dark web?


Sure, Kevin Smith tells her that she gives him a boner and we defend him. But I tell her she gives me a boner and she asks me how I got in her trunk.

“Raaaawwr!! This Beaujolais is a little heavy, don’t you think?”

You criticized Emma Stone for not being Asian. She can’t control these things, eazy!!

If you liked that, you should hear my material on airline food!

Maybe you should learn to pull one pant leg open and bank a dook off of your thigh like a real man.

I can’t believe some people even go with Basic Feminism anymore. I was able to get Feminism Platinum for only $3/ month more!

I believe in that case it’s called “raw ‘hog”

The Harry Potter fandom didn’t do anything that the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom didn’t do 1000x more embarrassingly.

I never lose faith in the avclub commentariat giving me a “phrasing!”