He's helping build a yacht for the Jobs family...
He's helping build a yacht for the Jobs family...
I get all my messages...?
He can control his reaction time...
Funny, the new iPads are having problems connecting to wifi, and my original iPad won't stop transmitting data over wifi when it is in sleep mode after upgrading to iOS 5.1.
Actually I feel if God has a sense of humor he will let me win. I'd find it hilarious.
"Republished with permission from The Impersonals."
Gizmodo might not give out people's private addresses but they will give out all of their online information, which this day and age makes it very easy to get the address...
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if the Trieste shrank in size under the water pressure as well...
"It makes sense; after all, he was the first man in history to reach this depth..."
And for people who don't use any of the mentioned services? Are you just leaving us out with no other options?
My thoughts exactly. Let's teach him a lesson by bringing a ton of attention to him? Not really a lesson...
It shouldn't take being called out to then inform people that something was not journalism and was rather theater.
It's also impossible to clear the entries with only one hand because the clear gesture is a two finger swipe.
Tried it. I want my $.99 back. The app is nicely designed, but the gestures really aren't any faster than tapping the button on the stock Calc.app. Also, division seems to be broken. Everything results in 0.
"Most of the federal government's physical presence would be obliterated"
Does anyone else find it funny that when things like this come up, phone makers can easiliy push out a fix almost immediately, but they are unable to update the phones to the most current OS in a timely manner...?
What is stopping the artists from doing this same thing themselves with their music once it's back in their hands? Many artists have their own recording studios as it is so they could easily remaster their own work in their studio and then make it available in the new format on iTunes, cutting the label out... Is…
You win
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For me, in the Message settings it will show one address which I receive iMessages at, which is currently my phone number. If I sign in to my Apple ID, it will then show two addresses, one my phone and the other my email (which is my Apple ID). When I send or have someone send me messages to test to my email address…