
A wild guess: Jeremy Renner. 

Liberal definitely does not = not racist

Ijeuma is a true force - and for some context - she lives in uber-liberal Seattle. Granted she lives north of the city itself, but it should be a reminder that there is no liberal bastion in this country.  We are all this behavior, and as white allies, need to do more than just sit passively by and make her do the

You do, since you spent time clicking and commenting.

This is the type of nard-hitting journalism that we all expect from Deadspin. 

“Don’t look so Latina wasn’t the phrasing to use”

adding: hoop earrings, anything leopard print.

It’s code for avoid bright colors, too fitted clothing, flashy jewelry, and red lips. All the stuff that makes wearing “workwear” or dress clothing bearable. I follow this whenever I have open house so I can avoid picky parent problems as the year progresses. It sucks. 

I think it’s probably because a lot of women are already painting a face on top of their regular face so we’re already used to women not looking natural.

I believed that all of my interactions and relationships were always welcomed and consensual. People who know me or who have worked with me know that I am not someone who would intentionally harm, offend, or embarrass anyone. However, I recognize that the rules and standards by which we are — and should be — measured

Is anyone?

Eh, I didn’t read it as “look at me, I needed fertility treatments” but as “if you are seeing this post and you are crushed because someone else got pregnant, know that I have been there and I have empathy.” I can see where it would play both ways though.

Seriously, how dare that evil bitch Anne Hathaway show empathy for people struggling to become pregnant? How dare she take a second to put aside her own happiness to try to give them some hope in a difficult time? What a horrible human being! Ugh, grow up Jezebel writers.

i never hated her before, and i have no intention of starting now.

Why should we hate Anne Hathaway again?? She is openly talking about infertility issues, which is still kind of a taboo to talk about, because it’s all woman’s fault

What the fuck is the tone on the Anne Hathway blurb ? has the editor of this website become unhinged ??? Pretty sure the constant snark here on issues that require some semblance of decency is not what was meant by being a ‘nasty woman’. It’s a human being suffering infertility issues, something that is painful

The fact that they are TERRIFIED that they no longer matter is the entire point of Donald-fucking-Trump. So yes, we need to stop arguing and cajoling and attempting to reason with these people and find ways to win in spite of them.

Eh, I’m nor sure that these white women matter as much as they/we think they do. As Michael Harriot wrote earlier this month,

I wish I could back too and tell myself, it will be ok. You will meet an actual nice man, and be way better off than these fucking losers. 

Or, you know, you have injuries that require you to use velcro.