My understanding is that lawyers aren’t just allowed to drop clients willy nilly. There have to be valid reasons. Typically those reasons are
My understanding is that lawyers aren’t just allowed to drop clients willy nilly. There have to be valid reasons. Typically those reasons are
I lived in the DTES during the time he was trawling there for victims. I called 911 when a woman in my back alley was screaming for help and the first two questions out of the operator’s mouth was “Is she a working lady?” (sex worker implied) and “Is she intoxicated?” To which my response was “Does it matter? She’s…
I really like the way Kevin handled himself. He is a great person and a great leader. #RealMVP
I lived within a one minute walk from Metrotown twice and I used to carpool to and from Poco for a few months. RCMP pulled us over when it was a younger kids’ turn to drive because it was his Grandmother’s car who lived in Kamloops. I don’t smoke weed, but the other three people in the car did. We got pulled over…
This situation is starting to become very similar to how police and RCMP in Vancouver mishandled the Robert Pickton case for years and years. It’s good something has been done now, but it certainly took way too long.
Infuriating. Reminds me of when the Milwaukee police actually handed a young, minority victim of Dahmer’s back to him when he had managed to escape. Dahmer, being white, was able to convince the cops that the hysterical, bleeding boy and he had just had a lovers quarrel.
As a rule of thumb, I need to know someone at least a year before I tell them they look like someone else.
As a Minnesotan who loves fishing to an unhealthy degree: ice fishing fucking sucks and nobody should do it.
The last time I got such enjoyment out of seeing a blogger on ice, I was working as an usher at Andrew Breitbart’s wake.
Um... our senators are not representative democracy. They are appointed for life by the PM. Our MP’s are the representative part of our democracy. We do not have the same political system as you lot.
What the hell did sleeves ever do to this man?
Here’s how this went down.
“I think the fact that he hasn’t been held accountable in any tangible way is proof that he’s been held accountable.”
How strange that so many different police forces “investigate” sexual assault by asking the man if he sexually assaulted anyone and then taking him at his word that he didn’t and closing the case. Who could’ve imagined?
I think he’s been held accountable by the simple fact of what he’s gone through.
I started using Drew’s chili recipe the first year he posted it. I have made it so many times that my friends and family now regard it as my chili recipe. It is good, and I stole it all from Drew.
For people without a rooting interest: what would be the most entertaining way for the game to end? I’m thinking something like Pats lose in overtime on a horribly bad call. I’d be vastly entertained by the reactions to that.
Lena Dunham suggested a rape victim was lying for money. The victim happened to have a wealthy, well-known father but even if she didn’t that is horrid. This is not remotely that.