
What about CA: The Winter Soldier?

We’re all waiting for a status update about Drew. Is he okay? Have y’all spoken? Sure, he’s yelled into the void

ArenaNet does seem to be one of the less evil MMO companies out there.

Do you know the difference between state and federal government?

We’re on the worst goddamn timeline.

This edition of Jaguars Junction is actually really bumming me the fuck out.

it’s an oxycontin

I live in Canada. We have universal healthcare. We also have an opioid crisis.

Hardly the only Oxy Moron in Jacksonville.

I don’t buy it. It’s in the best interests of the league to have the largest media markets possible in the Super Bowl and London is way bigger than Boston.

The leopards are coming for all your faces, assholes.

If I was in a room with a Pats fan & an Eagles fan, and I had a gun with just one bullet, and I had to decide...

Worse. Denver. This is the darkest timeline.

Guys if you need me I’ll be outside lighting myself on fire.

Pats vs Eagles again. Couldn’t have happened to nicer fan bases.

I’m going to post this here because it seems somewhat relevant to this idea of harassment and faux-sisterhood (and I’m sick of seeing friends made to feel helpless).

Does the entire world have amnesia? Do we all not remember what Vice was in the early days? Even for the nineties, the level of misogyny, homophobia, & just vile, puerile shittiness towards anyone not like them was insane. But, of course, always cloaked in a hip, ironic, wink wink, we don’t really mean it vibe.

Yeah, that part really freaked me out too. It’s way past dismissing as a poor understanding of what is and is not appropriate at that point.

Gavin DeBecker also has a quote in that very book that says something along the lines of “the first time you’re a victim; the second time you’re a volunteer.” So...he’s a tad problematic.