commentary (or lack thereof) can really make or break these from a spectator viewpoint. for example i don’t care what game is being run, if SpikeVegeta is commentating I’ll watch it to the end.
commentary (or lack thereof) can really make or break these from a spectator viewpoint. for example i don’t care what game is being run, if SpikeVegeta is commentating I’ll watch it to the end.
As a BC resident and lawyer, I gotta say I’m surprised to see the BCSC actually dealing with this as a criminal (rather than civil) matter. It’s very encouraging. This kind of crap has been allowed to go on for too long. And good on Twitch for following through and pressing charges.
Small correction, but the linked CBC article mentions that Twitch employees “...spent 300 hours tracing ...”, not 200. That’s a lot of hours tracking someone down - I wonder how many employees were used in those 300 hours?
If only the plural of anecdote were data.
These “victims” are the same ones who make a turn into a lake just following their GPS
Ohhh, well if it worked for you then it must be true! :)
This. I mean, it’s basically a tech-ified version of the rhythm method, and we know how well that’s worked out for Catholics around the world.
Well duh, everyone knows (or should know) that tracking your fertility, even with an app, is an unreliable method of birth control. Back in the 1980s this was called the rhythm method. There was a joke, “What do you call people who use the rythym method?” “Parents.”
STONE: [inhales deeply] I’ve been in this business for 40 years, Lee.
You would’ve been right to have them earn it themselves. This kid demanded which alot of kids do now and their parents just give them whatever they want. The dad spent an afternoon ignoring his kid and not even bonding over the experience. The kid spent the money with no appreciation or care and changed suits within…
Missed a great opportunity to teach your kid about hard work, earning your rewards, and knowing that you can’t always get everything you want. I know this because I have no kids, that makes me an expert on this.
Cheerleading in high school (and in college) isn’t like cheerleading for pro sports teams. There’s legit competitions between cheerleading squads in highschool and college. And at both of those levels, participants usually don’t have to worry about paying bills.
Out of curiosity - do you read the comments when you post stories like this? Because if I wrote about this stuff and had to look at the nonsense arguments from so-called racing enthusiasts about why grid girls need to stay, I’d bash my head against the desk.
Black people haven’t committed genocide on the level of white people, though, so there’s that.
What’s the difference if you’re intentional racist or clueless racist? It’s harmful equally. Also, it lets mostly white play the clueless card or I dated a black card and then intentional hurt mostly black women. There shouldn’t be any racism qualifier. As soon as someone even have a racist thought they shoukd sit in…
Michael is gonna get calls from Fox news again.
It’s not by default, it’s just easy. Most white people do realize it, but don’t care because it’s comfortable. Taking off the racist lenses means publicly acknowledging a fuckton of privilege, and that can be uncomfortable, both for successful white people and for unsuccessful white people. If you’re not willing to…