monstars got him
Whatever, Albert. Let’s see you look cool while trying to shoot a 55 lb. basketball.
All the technology in the world, and a man was killed by the hyper militaristic police summoned by a prank.
Boy, if Dick Durbin hadn’t been in the room where it happened (h/t Hamilton) we’d probably not heard about this. Lindsey Graham wouldn’t have said a thing with his mint julip sipping ass and the only reason he’s fence riding now is to CYA
No, I actually just remember being alive when blogs were a big new thing and can promise you that Bill Simmons did not invent internet blogs.
We don’t need to guess. He already said it.
I thought about that right after hitting publish, but Drew goes after gasbags, not highly sourced reporters, and doesn’t pretend he’s anything but a non-reporter.
Wow, that’s good stuff. So much insufferableness in so few words.
Seriously though, this is like Donald Trump level shit. You really think Bill Simmons started blogs? Who do you think invented the internet, the head of CBS sports? Bud Celig?
Drew didn’t say the best sportswriter, but the most powerful and influential and it’s hard to come up with a good counterpoint. There are many REALLY good sportswriters, but none can point to a grantland-level project let along multiple versions of it. Simmons is influential enough that ESPN though it was a good idea…
Two of the best players to come out of Duke think the world is flat, dinosaurs didn’t exist, 9/11 may or may not have been an inside job, and do “research” by reading random instagram pages. I blame Coach K.
Yeah but they aren’t the damn President... the standards for his role ought to be a *wee bit* higher than for the 20-something bloggers hustling for a paycheck here.
It might be worth pointing out that the reason Drew Bledsoe got benched was because of a life-threatening injury.
The Oprah for President think sounds fun, but as a kid who who was forced to watch her show everyday because Grammaw wouldn’t let me go outside I can’t help but remember the lunacy she brought. Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, The Secret, Deepak Chopra. She promoted a lot of new age lunacy that still hurts actual science. People…
I love Oprah, but her continuing endorsement of outright charlatans does not bode well for the quantity of shit in her body: Dr Phil, Dr Oz, that “The Secret” horseshit, etc
As of Thursday, the people of Flint, Mich., have gone 1,357 days without clean water in their pipes. While the…