
Policies like this exist for several reasons, the foremost of which is to prevent black market dealing out of the back alley (often by employees.) Home retailers like Pier 1 do this too. Another major reason is exclusivity—can’t have the poors looking like folks. Either way, it’s a shitty rationale.

Millennial here: Agree. It’s time we stop with the old trope of “these old racists will die out and then it’ll be great”. I went to college in a blue state and there were TONS of racist GOP people in my classes. They. Are. Everywhere.

Women voted for Clinton, but White Women did not. Clinton only got 54% of the female vote because black and latina women almost didn’t vote for Trump at all. This is a national issue. I know lots of white women who voted for Trump and they live in Seattle and in California for fucks sake. This is not just a bible belt

Or I could tell you like a grown up that I don’t want you to use me to attack another commenter. It’s childish and I don’t appreciate it. Tell him yourself if you have something to say to or about him, but don’t use me to do so.

WYTS 2018: Washington Redhawks

Well she is brilliant. Obviously a plagiarist with a time machine.

Well I’m sure this comment section won’t descend into fucking anarchy...

I think Deadspin writers should refer to the Washington Football team only as the Redhawks going forward. If only to upset emotionally fragile Redhawks fans. Please

Can Deadspin just start calling them the Washington Redhawks from now on?

I believe it’s actually explicitly illegal for an employer to ask that.

I’ll say it again: if you score too high on the IQ test the police academy gives in many states, you will not be admitted to the academy. The reason is they give priority to an ability to “just follow orders” (yes I said it) over critical thinking ability, because they don’t want anyone in the academy who’s going to

You should be seeing stars for this comment.

No one plans to get “knocked up.” You’re either making a conscious attempt to get pregnant, or someone knocked you up.

Corrections officers are technically not police.

This is a great test case for malicious intent.

All night:

This reply to Roy Moore, tonight, was savage...