
Kevin O’Leary tried to pull a Trump and use his reality show name recognition and fear pandering to win the leadership of the Conservative Party in Canada. Fortunately, he didn’t win. Fuck Kevin O’Leary and anyone who supports him.

Is he in jail?

There’s nothing to clean if you don’t get things dirty.

Yankee Exec #1: Have you heard? Everyone’s calling us young, talented, and likeable!

There were a few times when Smoltz tried to explain rotation of pitches and Buck just cut him off and complained. What the hell is he doing?

I’m a casual baseball fan, I usually only watch the playoffs. Joe Buck made me mute the tv multiple times last night. Holy shit he’s terrible, why does he hate information?

Twitch doesn’t take a cut?

holy shit

You didn’t, I was trying to reply to someone who said the NBA didn’t restrict their players.

Here you go:

Saying “They did it too” isn’t a defense of anything.

No you haven’t. America has always been against neutral resolution panels and ignores international rulings against them when they’re not convenient.

“I’ll take Things That Make Me Rage for $500, Alex.”

Good thing you’re not taking this too seriously. Close call!

TV huh?

Do you still believe in Santa too?