
Pretty much. She’s a conventionally-attractive young woman of color whom they would classify as “uppity”. For a movement dominated by old white men that remember the days before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as “the good old days”, that’s pretty much a bingo on any conservative’s outrage card.

The alt-text is the real key there: defending a position by citing “free speech” is the ultimate concession. You’re saying the best thing you can say about your argument is that it is literally not illegal to express.

There are over 900 protests happening today across the county regarding the firing of Sessions and the fact that 45 is not above the law.  No one appears to be publishing anything about it.  The protests are happening at 5PM local time.  In Chicago @ Federal Plaza, Highland Park, Evanston, and Glenview.  

his quad injury was a matter of quantum uncertainty

And it’s going to keep fucking happening. The time to stop this was 2016. The lower courts are going to be conservative for a generation. The very best we can hope for is that two octagenarian liberals survive until January 20, 2021, and that a Democrat wins the presidency in 2020. If that happens, the conservative

Nothing could be more American than refusing to do something that benefits other people.

Floyd was flagged for unnecessary roughness”

Guys? I’m getting a bad feeling about this election. Maybe it’s the confirmation of Justice Dude-Bro and the resulting Republican polling bump. Maybe it was that climate report. Maybe it’s the rampant voter suppression in Georgia and elsewhere. But it’s starting to feel to me like the Blue Wave is going to be a

“Organize” doesn’t inherently mean anything, and unless you’re ready to train a militia and take up arms, you need to have a fucking leg to stand on.

Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?

Now, let’s make the Republicans that supported Roy Moore to the very end become stuck to that shit forever.

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

The diversity in that picture is astounding . There are fat white men, slightly fatter white men, white women, and maybe even a few white people without a morbid amount of body fat. It think I may even see one really blurry black guy in the far, far back. I guess we will never know how Walker, Trump, and Ryan got

I’m not saying that Kerr/Pop would be the best ticket for 2020.

I do think that we could do a lot worse.

- The National Anthem before NFL games

Shorter Flake: “Look, pandering to racism was fine when we were just ginning up these goddamn morons to go vote for their betters, but now the fucking yahoos expect us to actually support their dipshit agenda! I’m telling ya, politics ain’t what it used to be.”

Brandon Saad had a hat trick in his Blackhawk re-debut