
I watched the highlights of the USA/Japan game, it was definitely an ass whooping... But i mean I didn’t like it anymore and was yelling at my dad when he kept switching back

Cool story bro. (Totally serious.)

The legends are true:

My wife and I were discussing Oreo thins. WTF is the point of them? If I want oreos it’s double stuff or nothing. soooo delicious

Damn it, if I want to get a COTD win I’ll have to think of something else besides Mclaren Honda jokes.

Second hand WRX wagon with a digital gram scale under the seat. Previous owner must have been a chef or something.

You can also compare it to last season and see that it was a butchered mess.

Who took a crap in your Chevy Nova?

I do not recommend hitting any of the Hells Angels with your vehicle. Or really anyone else, for that matter.

This is all a misunderstanding. The biker didn’t break the glass because he was filming the Hell’s Angels. The biker broke it for filming in portrait mode.

He has a great producer. Literally all this proves.

I though this was real and made with lego :(

Your username is apt.

President Obama is LITERALLY the coolest President ever. I don’t know if it’s the social media era that we live in, but he is just smooth. I want to party with him. Seriously.

Oh come on! Nobody’s going to believe Howie Mandel’s a famous actor.

Be sure to include a description of how you made it so we can feature it as the next featured home screen.

It would take time, for sure, but I think I’d be willing to go without a Pokemon game for a year or two or three (or more!) if it meant we got something really polished/different/etc. I’m kind of hoping they’re working on SOMEthing cool right now, given that there’s no major Pokemon game out this year.

The dose wasn't toxic. He didn't die from the amount of cannabis he died because he jumped off the roof.

My partner and I are already (GASP) planning to have him be a stay at home dad- why isn’t that even ever brought up as an option? My career choice is much less flexible and he’s better at the whole child thing anyways. We’re no where close to having kids yet, so hopefully this will still be a viable option for us at

Just to add my $.02, I bought an original iPad when it came out and loved it. I faithfully defended the "walled-garden" what is the app store as a means to make sure your devices "just work." Then I got a 2013 Nexus 7. Absolutely love it. No going back for me. Granted, it was a significant upgrade hardware-wise, but