
Just put them behind a glass/plastic wall & include a sign to tell visitors “you break it you buy it"

Yep, I’ll probably wait 6-12 months, buy it when it’s finished and cheaper

French revolution. Problem solved

It would’ve been a pretty standard action/spy show, no need but if they had the viewers why not, if they don’t get it to another network I don’t see why they can’t put it on YouTube, stick some ads before it and get some money back, or even just to gauge interest. Much prefer if they just came back to the show though.

random business in Nassau.


Honestly dude, that was better than the new harry potter book. Laughed all the way through 10/10.

Sean bean is hilarious in wasted

Nice armour, shame about the miniskirt

Must have been a pretty shit stockpile

I’m actually surprised there wasn’t a gofundme link at the bottom, seems odd that he’d not realise being abroad might change how much you get charged for data

Do you think marvel & Netflix could make 5 series a year instead of 2 & still be the same quality?

Managed to find some Twinkies in the UK, they’re a bit weird but I just keep buying them! Lucky charms are awesome though!

Grandmother Ice has always thought of Vanilla as a rock star

But what about the magnificent “lord of the rings on TV” shannara chronicles?

Fuck Pokémon go. Yours sincerely, guy on android 4.3

Z Nation is pretty good to say it comes from the studio that makes mockbusters

Dragonologist or death eater, I like to mix it up with my fire game