

All I can think about is in 5-10 years having AR glasses and seeing people walking around with a Pokémon entourage playing a fully AR version of Pokémon.....one can dream I suppose

Not yet, we haven’t even got an air date yet, hopefully it will though 😀

It’s been really good, the mini bots are cool, the drones not so much, can’t wait for robot wars though......need them houseboats tearing it up too

It’s more about having something to talk about instantly

Yeah it’s working fine at the moment, same thing will happen to us more than likely, people are treating it like a demo mostly anyway

I’m British, were allowed crossbows and air rifles (at home) we don’t need concealed carry permits though, were free to carry our non locking under 3.5 inch bladed penknives. Not open carry though, that would be silly

Sideloaded version still working for UK atm, its from APKmirror if that helps

It’s not out in the UK yet, I live in a very small village. Seen at least 10 people playing it today! It’s mad I made the mistake of showing it to the mrs, she walked 9km yesterday because of Pokemon go! You can be a gym leader....enough said

Electric skateboard is a much better idea than driving around for Pokémon go!

I believe the slim of shady said it best

A staryu I was trying to find, ended up at the back of some dudes van in the bushes because it was so close, needless to say I didn’t get my staryu and almost got my ass kicked until I calmly explained that I was trying to catch a Pokémon and not trying to rob him, he was unconvinced until I showed him how close it

“come on there’s 15 of us, he can’t have that many bullets"

Team rocket went a bit too far this time

Should be cast as wonder woman. Like an Amazon god that lady

#Jezebel Easter egg

Did somebody actually fork the magnificent Regina? I don’t remember that.