
Dudeeee your really harshing my vibe, quit tryna have a serious conversation, ain’t gonna happen vato

Gross indecency or public indecency

That is heartwarming yet also heartbreaking

Sounds like my ex

Rebel scum

Fair enough if you wanna go method but keep me out of your bullshit. No I’m not gonna call you your characters name off camera you tit. (Presumably this is what most actors think about this kind of behaviour)

We clicked on it didn’t we

You looked into the windows of her soul, and saw fish. It’s apt

She blamed it on sweat, not a person believed her

No, not this time

My stance is “fuck my friends, if they need to know they can look it up”.

You need to change the picture, it looks like a side scroller, I very nearly ignored it too

I’m searching all the comments too....not a clue yet

If you swallow hard candies straight away you don’t deserve to live

So is your soul

Ps4ychos.... cool

Really hope they do,

Perfect casting

Yeah that was the impression I got too! But a lot of people are saying he’s been saying stuff like this for years

I can’t wait to see that shitshow