She blamed it on sweat, not a person believed her
She blamed it on sweat, not a person believed her
No, not this time
You need to change the picture, it looks like a side scroller, I very nearly ignored it too
I’m searching all the comments too....not a clue yet
If you swallow hard candies straight away you don’t deserve to live
Ps4ychos.... cool
Really hope they do,
Perfect casting
Yeah that was the impression I got too! But a lot of people are saying he’s been saying stuff like this for years
I can’t wait to see that shitshow
Everyone knows the correct place to attempt a beer bong is a library
I’m sorry that happened to you both times, and adding extra alcohol to someones drink knowing that they will be more likely to sleep with you is considered rape. Also adding extra alcohol to someones drink without their knowledge is drink spiking (happened to me at a party) I live in the UK and watching American…
Kanye west, Kim kardashian and Mick Jagger
Yeah but he did wish he was never good at swimming. Plus it was the alcohol that made him rape a woman, clearly swimming, alcohol, peer pressure and many other factors were more to blame for him making a decision to rape an unconscious woman than him. Ugh hopefully he gets shanked
Saved me a lot of time
For the Moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
If you’re on PC, console players are left bent over a table as usual
“how to destroy a soul in a haiku
A separate section of the PlayStation store for indie games would be so much better than the current system
Open it up, give it a clean, keep it in a well ventilated area, you will get a longer life from it