
You could try those ones that are tiny and come with a charging pod/tube thing, they’re the same size as normal headphones, battery lasts around 4 hours but the tube can charge them twice, a few different companies make them too, they can be pricey though, around 200$ last time I looked

Ever had a merciless beating? you should consider someones life before you try to be funny

Google play listing vato

Swipe left? Thats as much as I know, its usually said in a negative way meaning swipe left means no. Reading it back I see how it looks kinda ridiculous

It’s a mesh network, rocks are notoriously cheap

Lazer team was SOOOOOOO dull

I like that movie, only saw it about a month ago 😢

It bugs me how these apps get crowbarred into TV shows, I’ve never used tinder or even looked at the page, but I know how it works due to TV shows trying to be ‘current’. It won’t be relevant in a few years and people watching old shows will be saying ‘wtf is swipe left’ “who the fuck is Kim kardashian’’ lucky feckers

Martha Stewart on Orange Is the New Black: ‘It’s Not as Good as Wentworth or Locked up’

You probably watched it in color you futurist pig

I’ve been wondering that for 5 years

Still waiting for a different doctor

Directional audio for consumer use would be awesome, haven’t seen any convincing/ appropriately priced versions yet

Not available in the UK. Not cool uploaded....not cool at all

Oh shit that would be so awesome its not possible! I wouldn’t believe t until I saw the episode, much like the Supergirl and flash crossover

Next your gonna tell me that the average woman who is abused could cover it up with make up!

One does not simply beat a goddess and live to tell the tale

Bitch ass stingrays

You know he’s gonna kickstarter that shit

I’d be curious how many actually donated in 2014