
This isn’t urban exploration.

Women’s sports/ martial arts are 10x better than men’s, they actually seem to make an effort

Daily mail is clearly on depps side too!

I was at a party, a woman poured 3-4 shots of whiskey in my drink quite a few times when I left my drink unattended, I would never normally do this but I was at a party with just friends I knew and I only let my guard down because the last year was pretty traumatic and I needed to relax, luckily my girlfriend (now

Obviously you’ve never stayed at the ebdbb&b

And I bet nobody did anything when she was released either

Clicking the x in the corner meant you were actually clicking yes to install....big thing, didn’t affect me but still shady business

Like how any 360° video is a VR video now

Smoke a blunt


Just a week? Probably half American

My ex chased me through the woods, thought I’d lost her, nope she’d gone back to get her car to chase me further. True story

This is Google’s “haha we could murder you super easily” tech demo

Are you serious?

You have the right idea! It’s not a problem if you’re like that

I think it was “does he have one over the movie” but if that happens your duty as a relationship bound male is to tuck

But how will people know YOU recorded the video?

It always happened, before hodor and bran were born it had already happened

Haven’t doctors said since the beginning of activity trackers that until they are somewhat close to medical devices they are useless?

Always knew steering wheels were evil