
Hey I’ve got a call of duty mod than makes you invincible, makes you really good at the game quick

A lot of people see dick flashers as ‘pranksters’ exposing yourself to people isn’t funny, hopefully we can get some top gear hosts with souls again at some point

Thats exactly what I’d do, always ask for just a couple ice cubes in a coke

I understand your point, but that’s a good way to get yourself injured/killed and I wouldn’t like to hear someone died over a parking argument

Does that mean they had the helmets from Pocahontas?

Imagine instead of a new console nintendo sold the platform exclusivity to Sony/MS the world would probably just implode

As a guy who’s had a shaved head for 24 years (just short hair) I can confirm this theory after growing my hair past my shoulders for my daughter, people treat you very differently

Yeah, much better than that halo thing, that was a ridiculous idea

It seems like it’s always been there even though I know it hasnt

Yeah it’s not like there was ever a free way to try games

But there’s 12 ULTRA-COOL race cars!


Yeah man, it drives me insane, usually I stop watching immediately

Now playing

Top gear is now an anthology series with a new cast every season, a BBC spokesman said “this was always the plan"

Yeah I changed my allegiance to battlefield after mw3, havent missed much apart from zombies mode

Yeah but they really showed how games are all about money, while seeing how many views they got and asking you to like and subscribe to their channel, which has got to be THE most annoying new trend that has hit 95% of new YouTube videos

Simple fix, find a woman, marry her, mate with said female, have offspring, educate offspring in the golden age of gaming, instruct said offspring to play the game, take it away when your at a similar point and in 2 years they will have forgotten the whole thing! Enjoy your game

THIS! I’m am so sick of seeing people humble bragging and news outlets picking up the story making out like they are a hero, don’t remember seeing superheroes posting about their good deeds in comics, 10/10 to this guy

Can’t wait til we get the chairs from wall-e, those combined with virtual reality headsets and haptic feedback and a c3po we’d never have to move again

Get a few widgets, weather, world clock etc, maybe a digital photo frame app, get a stand and use it as a bathroom tablet