
That switch though......

They always say this, what should you use if your really that desperate? Literally just a question not looking for tips here

I’m sure the people in the carts werent making millions though dude

I meant take stills from video

I meant take stills from video

How do you do that? Is it a program or do you just pause the video?

How do you do that? Is it a program or do you just pause the video?

You have binders full of women? Please elaborate Michael

I collect maps, but maps of games and places like middle earth, also clipper lighters, used to be a stoner and they were cheap & ridiculous amount of designs, might start collecting funko pops too, they’re cool and won’t bankrupt me

Imagine smallville with Clarke as a boy with no powers

Does this mean my future phone will have a coin slot? Pretty cool

There are some reviews saying it was the worst episode yet......I’ve honestly no idea how they got to that conclusion, everything they said was bad was good imo! Very gut wrenching episode

Did you not read my reply at all?

I like the style of limitless, make it a sequel series even if the original actor is just there to set up the pilot

2 things: if I pirate it then its already uploaded so its already being distributed, second no I’m actually not going to state that I’m going to illegally download then illegally distribute a copyrighted product & then actually do it. Might as well walk to the police station to save them another job

Yeah imma just pirate kanyes album and share it with people. Hopefully we can put him in mega debt, kanye west arguing at his door with bailiffs..... Thats entertainment

Hehehe butt stuff


Never heard of this woman (we don’t get SNL in the UK) but after all the promotion jezebel has given her I can’t wait for ghostbusters now


$13 bubble blowing machine that serves up a near-endless sticky floor

Jerky lasts longer! Probably so if they didn’t encounter people they could survive for a while