
You have been misinformed about our bathrooms, most have huge space underneath and above

Let me clear it up for you:

I think it’s cool......yeah

I thought the same, even if they went with the b-movie sequel idea and said it was Bowie’s son and Sarah’s kid in the same situation

I always feel sorry for these guys, if they do their job perfectly nobody knows

It was also abysmal a year later! I waited to get it cheaper but there was still lots of bugs

Hopefully they will find a lead actress who can act this time....rewatched true blood, hopefully the lead isn’t choosing between 5 partners either

Or sonic sunglasses

Hopefully they get more than 1 scene where their talent isn’t wasted

Sounds like it could be really fun, actually trying to chart your own map would be very frustrating/rewarding

Pretty cool, not $50 cool

I’m 6" 3 and my ex was 4" 11, it worked....not even that difficult!

My condolences to those who have been without for longer than a month

Nope. There is no “the new” rickroll, why does everything have to have “the new” version or “the female” version.

Hmmmm seems like you don’t like being critiqued at all

This guy and his team deserve some sort of fucking award. Grodd..zoom...flash...king shark!!!!!! Martian manhunter! These are the people who should be getting awards

Even if somebody says “you shouldn’t do that” what they’re actually saying is “I think you shouldn’t do that” only places like north Korea have true censorship. Freedom of speech goes both ways.... You can tell everyone anything you like....but they can also do the same

Maybe you should do a podcast about it

Censorship is more about not wanting people to know information.

There are certain areas of Bradford in Yorkshire where its not a good idea to be there if your age 10 to 40ish, and I don’t mean just bad for one race, I was nearly stabbed because I was white and I’ve seen people attacked because they were indian/Pakistani, it mainly depends on the area your in