
Yeah but I read somewhere the content they acquire and their original content won’t be region locked, and a big company has no reason to lie! (Hopefully its not region locked)

I really don’t know what else you were expecting? We cant just kill stunt people anymore

But we can dream :(

Smart people aren’t mean about auto recovery people.

Netflix hasn’t explained how this is all going to work in practice

Such a boromir thing to say


If we can’t have men only places because its sexist how is this OK? Equality goes both ways

Fuckkkkk Seth McFarlane and his fancy chair, you either get a stool or a chair with one lever in the real world. Always lording it up with his fancy ass swively height adjustable leaning chair....douche

I doubt they’ll stop at just a new trilogy (aside from anthology movies)

Cowostomy bag.

Haha pretty good way to see how many people will watch a pointless video and make money from it!

You sir, have obviously never reached for your drink and took a gulp of bongwater before

I stopped watching a season or two ago.....might have to catch up. Or just watch this episode and call it a one off

This was a really fun movie! I bet a dubbed version would go down well

2 alternative scenes: #1: the curtains are drawn, Obama walks up to the podium “I was born in Kenya, thank you and good night”

A lot of people just throw it away, there was a tip in the UK that had working iPads and products still in wrappers in there! Or people make ‘viral’ videos where they smash them *sighs*

Yeahhhhh been waiting for goro for ages!

Yesssssssssssss! Nailed it!

Yeah! Or a “oh you don’t care? Well I’ll tell you anyway” meter