
When James earl Jones pranked Carrie on TBBT .....wish fulfilled

I don’t know about anyone else but I had issues sprinting on the black ops 3 beta

Ugh and the cutting begins, it was a double edged sword with this though, if he’d left his films in there people would say “he loves himself so much he put his own stuff in the movie” (obviously not people who have read the book)

There was no point in the article, it appears as though you are shaming these parents for having more children.

I like to see how utterly preposterous the catching of the criminal is :)

Why didn’t they get the movie actors to do it? Most of them were from TV anyway, glad they’re ignoring the movie in that case though

Seems logical......they’re available in at least 5 places in the UK

Most of the issues in the comments seem to me like the whole point of a beta, apparently in the alpha the empire was really weak, now in the beta they’re OP....spawn issues....all COULD be resolved. But I was not a fan of the ships being pickups and the special weapons being pickups.....so many times I’d be 10m away

The express UK doesn’t like you either

Russia violates UK airspace & waters all the time....really not a shock if they do it to Turkey too

Remember when the Nazis tried to take over? Yeah its old news

MORPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! favourite Disney movie...hope they make a live action! Doubt they will :(

They were going to do Jason & the Argonauts for season 3! I thought it was a bit campy in the first season but too serious in the second, the third could have been the sweetspot but I guess we’ll never know :( I feel your pain

Dude your acting like I said fuck Amazon handmade. I said FUCK AMAZON. It’s the same company? You twist every word I say, I bet your a joy to be around. And I haven’t named the two specific products I read about because I don’t find this conversation compelling enough to waste more time arguing with someone who

If you build a BBQ, they will come

Not even annoyed about this (IMO) huge spoiler, love Atlantis, the BBC show was a major loss for me...Atlantis was underwater but yet not underwater. Weird

Yeah Amazon handmade...by Amazon, and they make a lot of stuff, check out the Amazon basics stuff

Genuine thanks for the pic, these usually make me laugh more than the comments!

No. Refusing Amazon’s prices that they determine. Then they copy your product and buy out your manufacturer that’s why they go under. So you probably did need to read

He just angry cuz he got all those teeth and no toothbrush.