
Because you’re making such a big deal about not liking the name, Riley. As if was some kind of travesty. And the fact you’re going to assume any young person named Riley was named so for this movie. Even though you were probably named for David ffrom the bible. And yes, it’s an equally horrible name and popularity

Awful name. I really do not enjoy encountering the large number of people named... Daniel.

Whatever your name is, I guarantee it’s equally terrible. Your parents should be ashamed for naming you what they did. They should probably be ashamed at how they raised you, too.

That is pretty dumb.

Kinnect is required for voice commands. If you don’t have Kinnect you double tap the home button then hit X for video, Y for screen shot.

If someone’s quality of life being drastically altered/diminished and another person losing their life isn’t a sign to stop making these shit tier movies, I don’t know what is.

There is no way a Resident Evil movie is worth this cost in human life. :-/