
Is that the one where you eat meat from the monsters you kill to turn into cyborgs and shit?

Right? Why in God’s name would you use BIOWARE to make a grindy multiplayer game? That’s the dumbest business decision since HD-DVD dropped porn.

It has to be the same part of the brain that lights up with gambling addicts. 

This really isn’t that hard to understand. I’m not interested in the practice of retroactive shaming. That doesn’t mean I’m not willing to discuss why it’s bad.

Some definitions because it’s become very clear what we’re working with here:

And that’s cool, but like I said, the concept of self-devouring is just something I’m not interested in. I’m glad these particular people are coming at it from a rational viewpoint, but a lot of the stuff out there (on Twitter, on this website) is some kind of retroactive inquisition to prove who is the wokest by

You can’t possibly believe that cultural mores don’t change over time. You can’t have possibly read even one book in your life and still believe that. 

Boy could I not be less interested in this ouroborous-esque, human-centipede like desire to devour ourselves. Movies, TVs, and books from another era can’t be (and shouldn’t be) held up to the current flavor-of-the-week purity tests.

If you’re under 10, sure.

No, but everyone recognizes it as an incredible movie.

Not even remotely. Vader was corrupted and broken by Palpatine, who destroyed his entire life. Beating Palpatine and saving his son from the same fate was his goal and it changed the galaxy.

I LOVE Airplane, and I can tell you there are many people who find it dumb, obvious, or just not funny. 

You’re missing the point. People are annoyed Palpatine showed up with no hints because it’s clear they were trying to retroactively glue the franchise together into some kind of overarching narrative it hadn’t earned. They can call it the “Skywalker Saga” in the last movie but its clearly horse shit.

I found Lollipop Chainsaw to be pretty funny. Not every moment lands, but pretty much all of Michael Rosenbaum’s lines are pretty hilarious. 

Well, and comedy is insanely subjective. Probably more than any other form of art/expression. Case in point, there’s no “Godfather” of comedy movies. No one agrees on anything. Some people think Anchorman is a laugh riot and some people think it’s stupid bullshit.

Yeah, this is pretty ridiculous.

Yeah I was like “$55, what’s the normal fucking price?!”

Yeah I was like “$55, what’s the normal fucking price?!”

Kinda looks like Elizabeth Moss covered in oil

If you tough it through the first couple fights there’s a saber upgrade you can grab earlier than you normally would.

It’s honestly fantastic and I don’t regret grabbing it.