The Castlevania guy is about to launch a Kick Starter to fund his own metroidvania castlevania ripp off that I fully endorse
The Castlevania guy is about to launch a Kick Starter to fund his own metroidvania castlevania ripp off that I fully endorse
Kick-starter I guarantee it to you
Why is Marge Simpson there, god what happened to her hair
Basically is getting the attention, because lets be frank Origin is a Joke, and the Windows store is also a joke, this leaves GoG as in the weird position of being the new kid who also doesn’t suck because we don’t know him, meaning they have a chance
I have a confession, I hate cosplay, I know is wrong but I cant help it, not after the Final Fantasy director admitted that the reason the character designs in modern Final Fantasy are the way they are, is for cosplayers to have fun. I mean the older FF, the designs where mean to serve the characters, they where…
Oh god, they managed to make him whiter
Well he is immortal now, every time he is killed he returns, so he is definitely coming back
Didn’t Tony became a genocidical villain (how many earths did he destroy?) ,how on earth did they let him back into the Avengers
I agree mostly with everything, except Penny Arcade this week’s joke was brilliant
And by closure I mean they get killed
It is a master piece for some people
Hey that is child labor, you should be ashame ATLUS and WTF she actually has a story mode
Is not Rare who was responsible for the amazing games, it was its developers, so when those people left (When Rare was sold off) Rare started to falter, some of those original members are in this new team so maybe there is hope for this new game
Being a masterpiece is based on opinion, you could use a review to justify your view, but then in the meta critic average, which is all of the reviews the game has an average of is 86 at his best and 76 at his lowest meaning it was a good game, hell for some people it was a master piece.
Broken age was released, it had more game than anticipated, and the backers only paid once, I literally don’t see why people like you are still bitching about. Is out there is nothing to be done.
This why I like Age of Ultron, had it be a comic book event, all of the civilian and heroes loved would have died
Well Broken Age was released, so there is no way for them to sill be mad, I mean this is a new game making model, it was natural that there where going to be delays, and at the end they still got extra game out of it. Spacebase was a fiasco tough, and the explanation is on the forums of said game
What game is that from
Dont try to please everybody
I am betting this is after Return of Frieza, that movie was basically just another stepping stone, also I hoped the just went for broke and made the sequel of the manga