
I think we have a winner for our next QOTD!

Any Paul Tracy video where he's involved in a wreck with another driver pretty much wins this one folks.

This is clearly a GTA V marketing stunt.

So he put the shirt on upside to further show that he simply does not care?

Why earth rotation messed up? Because Brabus

The only car in Forza 4 worth it's price imo.

Uhh. Why isn't the prius or insight not on this list?

What about Minecraft tho.


The 2014 Impala SS. Because seriously. Who the **** saw that coming.

I raise you a Hammer

There's one in st. louis for 7 grand. Deciding to get a e36 M3, 2000 RS4 or that all around the same price!

I swear some hairband had a White Countach stretch convertible with a hot tub of some sort back when i was growing up. The amounts of opposite sex (no matter what your orientation is) you can get with that thing on a vegas night is astounding.

Audi TT:

Oh and that S14 might be Forest wang's as well.

I'm 100% sure that green rx-7 was this Justin Pawlak's that got stolen a couple of years ago too.

For starters, there's a multitude of cameras, not to mention CCTV on nearly every corner. You can see the guy standing not far from in in the reflection several times. Chances are there's a car nut or 2 in the vicinity who saw the guy get out and most likely prevent any loser from to get a quick joyride, and the

Guy in the last picture has a volvo shirt on though? That's not very "raggare"

Delfino Feroce or i think it was it. I was at a friends house playing 4 player and i chose this car with a long Italian name and it looked fast. Needless to say, i got my ass kicked.
