Alphas ended up with a great ending.
I read the headline and somehow implied that it was the groom who had cut off his own testicles, so when I realized it was a completely unrelated individual the story seemed somehow mundane to me.
I think if they had just made Harbinger the voice of that kid, that would've been enough.
Sounds like two kittens who think they're kaiju. Everybody involved is giving way too many shits.
So jealous, I could never beat the underwater level in TMNT.
One must be hated when on the path to the true zen of not-actually-caring.
Definitely fuck the news this week. With rare exception, it was mindless, childish nonsense.
Prefer the female Shepard.
Tarantino has always excelled at writing villains. Slavery, like the Holocaust, provides many opportunities for truly heinous villainy. Love the review.
Pretty sure James Gunn tweeted the other day that the Variety story was inaccurate.
Looper should have been at the top, and I'll accept Cloud Atlas being on both lists, but there's no way Hunger Games is on the good list. Every film on the bad list, and throw in the horrendous Total Recall remake that should've been, was better looking and better edited than HG. And Jennifer Lawrence is maybe the…
Wasn't there a Voltron with, like, 30 different vehicles? Not that one.
I really hope to remember to incorporate "Corcovadoh-no!" into my daily vocabulary.
As Rousseau said, family is only the first political structure to which you are subject.
I miss the days before the internet when I had to wait until something was actually announced to be disappointed by it.
As a general rule I try to only be as smug as I would be to someone who didn't like my favorite film, then dial it back a bit.