Yojimbo Billions

To quote David Foster Wallace quoting a fish: "What's water?"

Alternate-Genderface, also the name of my new album.

Knew it.

We should all be so lucky as to have our work of art deemed "inappropriate" by some dolt. But is this the best, first choice for getting young people into a story about robots?

Though the opposite is true. I imagine all of the recruits who stop to think "What would Jesus do?" in a combat situation wash out pretty quickly. People in foxholes are worried about saving their own ass in the moment, which is a pretty existentialist view of the world.

Also, Passengers sounds like it would be a Nacho Vigalondo film.

Rama Rama Rama! (Looks around for chanting crowd)

Zissou finding the jaguar shark and saying, "I wonder if he remembers me."

For sure for the melted-via-nebula sequence. But bringing up Aronofsky makes me think you need to do an anti-wonder list, for whatever that feeling is you get in the last 20 minutes of Requiem for a Dream. Anti-catharsis? The scenes that make you lose hope for humanity.

Pretty sure I'm not using prescient correctly.

Agreed. An adaptation of Chopin's Awakening is long overdue, especially considering I'm looking at a picture of Mitt Romney just below this text, so it feels like an especially-prescient story.

I'm surprised in a post-Wire world that "juking the stats" isn't considered the only viable option.

It's going to be Damon Lindelof and Hulk is just another side effect of Promethean goo.

Pretty bleak to lead with a photo from inside a Borders, too, which is already dead.

Aside from it being fake, if it's not cooler than melodies played on a Telsa coil, why does it even get noticed?

Only existing film, you mean.

Religion is what's used to justify the social injustice.

Also, I expect Sad Cannibal Hugh Grant to be a meme shortly.

At least this confirms my suspicion of where exactly Susan Sarandon's VO in the trailer was coming from. "Let the rope be not cut" and all that, it seems.

Ha ha.