
Sadly it’s going to take so much more than just these celebs. Its a national crisis. They’ve started water testing everywhere and the results are dismal. If only politicians actually cared about their constituents as much as celebs care about their fans!

Omg. I just started crying I’m so excited about all those cats!!! Very emotional day. I moved home. Broke up with ex. Thank you for the kitties. I love them all!!!!

Same!!! That’s what I worry about!

I don’t even know how to react without my head exploding. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Everything your saying sounds positive even though you’re down. Knowing that you need to move on is a step in the right direction, and I wish you lots of luck. It won’t be easy, switching careers is the pits. But big hugs and be strong. And let us know how it goes!!

Thank you!! How are you feeling ? I’m 1 year post surgery #2. It’s getting better but I still lose a week a month to the misery of menstruation. So.... Its not great. I’m still on tons of prescriptions and I don’t know if that will ever change. Sending positive healing vibes to you. Xoxo

I’m glad you said you want to move on. That makes a huge difference. Absolutely consult as many people as you can. It sucks you can’t be promoted. That’s not a good place to be. But it sounds like you want to move on. And that’s awesome!!

Listen babe, if you’re ready, you do it. It becomes a week team effort. It’s not easy. But if you are ready for that level of commitment and intimacy, then go for it! It can be amazing!!

I’m sorry. I’m sending all the love. That really sucks. Not feeling your best at work is awful. Especially for you I’m such a small field. 8.5 years is an incredible amount of time in your job. Have you had more problems than this or is this the first instance ever of trouble?

Hey! You shaved your legs bud! That’s a start!!! I’m sorry you had to see the ex and the her. You’re an amazing human here at jez and I’m really sorry you’re not feeling as wonderful as you are.

I second that. If you can be around each other all the time- awesome! Maybe a good idea! If not, take your time. Its easy to think of bc rent is expensive and the idea of waking up to the person you care for every day sounds grand.

Listen. Only you know what’s right for you. However, I messed up and rushed twice. I’m now moving home (thank god it’s an option) to recover from 5 years of heartache, 2 relationships and deal with my endo.

Thanks for hosting SNS Marie!! Best of luck to you my darling!!! You’ll be missed!

You’re so very right. And I remember the lady bashing I just don’t remember it being so hateful. Another commenter mentioned a book for me to check out about the misogyny in the liberal party. And this is very interesting. Not surprising though!!

I do too!

You are a vagenius!!! I’m laughing so hard!

I know it was, I guess it just wasn’t all over social media they say it is now. I don’t know any trump supporters but I really really doubt they’re better than Bernie bros. At least bernie is an awesome dude with a consistent voting record and great ideas.

Wow. Well, that is highly offensive and absolutely absurd. Why do people think this is persuasive? Why would you vote for their candidate? Oooh because they called you a cunt! Of course!

I meant Obama supporters weren’t this way. Sorry, too late to edit and too hungover to care enough.

Yeah, I think you’re right. I know there was tons or anti Hillary bullshit from the right, but I didn’t get so much of the anger from the Obama camp towards Hillary supporters. It was hard to bro out about a black man.