
Married 3 times (yes 3) and did not have any bridesmaids for any. I’ve never been one for a bunch of people in matching dresses.

You're engaged in a battle of wills. You will not win. You can not make another person do some things, not even when you are bigger and more powerful.

Ha ha ha! How old is he? My eldest son found the whole writing stuff really hard in primary. Reading was no problem. I explained to him a paragraph is not just one sentence! I got a fun touch typing program (Kewala, it's Australian) for the computer for him. He now has a double university degree and very articulate

I can relate to your daughter and so can my, now adult, kids. What I did was find academic pursuits that were interesting and had relevance to the child. Most of school work is boring and tedious, especially for smart kids. And not wasting time on seemingly dull stuff is not laziness, but a sign of intelligence. So

Why on earth does a parent have to think about their kid's sex life?

A girl is only into princess crap, if she's been led into that direction. Relax. A baby girl is no different to a baby boy. One baby doesn't have a penis the other does. It's parental socialization that creates bizarre gendered behaviour. I've raised babies with and without penises into interesting human adults. You

Also the fundamentalist Christian are all hanging out waiting for the rapture....Jesus can't return until all of Palestine is in Jewish hands apparently


New-agey Christians are even funnier that the orthodox evangelicals. Poltergeists galore, which the sprinkling of holy water and praying luckily do away with. They have so much more interesting stuff going on than your run-of-the-mill bible readers.

At last! Even though it's Starbucks, it soon may be possible to get a drinkable coffee in the States. When I tell my compatriots in Australia the only barely drinkable coffee is only available at Starbucks I am met with shocked disbelief. There's only one Starbucks that survived here in all of Australia. For the

Yes! Awesome kid who expressed what many of the audience were thinking!

Here's a thought, if your wedding is a painful and/or boring ordeal for the average young child it will also be so for the average adult. It's just adults on the whole are too polite to express this openy.

You like the black and white thing don't you? And probably think you are terribly logical. But to get to your police carrying guns thing: police do carry them to kill, so it's actually a pretty good discussion to have. Why do police need guns and if yes, do ALL police need to carry guns? From memory it's only

There are two issues here. The inadequate response to the crime of rape and the bullying. The bullying severly compounded this girl's ordeal. This is what I want to address.

The Devil made him do it.....

Believe me. It did. And, sadly, clearly still takes FUCKING MUCH EFFORT! Raised 2 boys and 1 girl. It. was. really. really. hard. sometimes. Especially when they were little. Afterwards, when they got a bit older (like 4) stupid stuff could be turned into 'teachable moments' leading to discussion.

Oh please. Nine year old kids can catch the bus, walk to school, go to the shops to get the bread mom forgot. And cook. I did the baking as my mother declared she didn't do baking cakes or cookies. So I did. There's a big difference between military guns and doing normal ordinary things, like walking to school.

Maybe it was a comedy sketch and somebody at Fox was so overcome by all the feminine hotness of this sassy bunch of chicks he forgot to put the laugh track on?

And have give her a chastity ring and be her date at the ball. Isn't that what 'real American dads' do to their daughters?

Why are American boys/men so obsessed with female nudity? It's sad that as soon as they see a female breast they go ape-shit and think SEX!. 150 years, or so, they went ape-shit over a bare ankle. Like men in countries where women have to cover up in black or blue robes go ape-shit when they glimpse any part of a