Phillip will possibly go on a murder suicide rampage if they kill her. That's why Gabriel didn't kill her when he went out.
Phillip will possibly go on a murder suicide rampage if they kill her. That's why Gabriel didn't kill her when he went out.
Initially we were comparing her to Repubs from the 50's like Eisenhower, not the religious wackos of today. So we agree on Cruz and Kasich being the ayatollahs of America. But Trump, he's always been socially progressive. He's just saying all the crazy because that's what you do to win the batshit wing of the…
Yep, President Clinton wants to make weed Schedule II, which means it can be researched for medical use. Once again she wows us with her bold, iconoclastic moves to the milky, creamy center.
I can understand testing for alcohol people who drive professionally. But to work in a grocery store or at a college? What possible logic is there especially when the drug in question is legal? It shouldn't be legal to do so. Drug testing for work should be the exception and there should be a compelling reason. I…
I'm sorry about your mom's situation. What's going on in Mexico is horrifying. But to blame it on marijuana smokers is like blaming computer users for Steve Jobs' decision to use Chinese quasi-slave-labor to make his computers. We need to use computers to live and they are ALL made with such labor. And people need…
Of course she is more socially liberal than Cruz. That's like saying she's more liberal than the Ayatollahs of Iran. My point, which your post largely confirms, is that on things she can actually do something about, she is weak. She takes focus-grouped positions and then when its time to act she does nothing,…
Seriously? They still test even though its legal? THAT should be illegal.
But you should! You should wear tie-die everything and a crazy wizard hat and run down the street buttonholing everyone you can grab to face scream that you've seen the face of god and she's a magic mushroom. You'll get 'em legalized in like a week. Guaranteed.
Democracy in action.
I know the MSM says otherwise, but Bernie still has a shot. They were counting Obama out in '08 around now as well. Leaving aside the very real possibility she is stealing key states' votes, the MSM always forgets how deeply unpopular she is. I personally think she's unelectable, and that's a word I rarely use…
Is she really "waaay more socially liberal"? I know she mouths the socially liberal pieties in speeches for charity groups and on the stump but I haven't really seen her do more than that in her decades in public life. And in 2004 she made the most retrograde speech on gay marriage I've ever heard. Not only that,…
In general I agree with you. However, practically speaking, many people who take medications like opiates don't really have a choice, they have to drive "on" them. To equate, for example, a person who uses opiates everyday for pain that drives to work to a drunk driver is not very helpful IMO.
As long as I can wear a stanky beer-smelling Jerry beard while I do it, I'm in.
If you buy good quality buds they are likely not trafficked by cartels. The cartels grow outdoor in mass quantities. Of course then you can worry about the carbon footprint as most high quality bud is grown indoors with grow lights, but that's a different question.
As he types this on his Chinese quasi-slave-labor computer with components and minerals extracted from nations by corporate/government partnerships that brutally exploit and murder the people for profit.
These are not the Turtles you are looking for.
For realz yo.
Well, I can send you a dick pic. I even have one from when I was 12 before the cancer made it so big.
And off your lawn.
Well, they did smoke quite a bit of the reefer back in the 20's 30's and 40's in Hollyweird from what I've heard. But I was speculating like totally 100%.