I HATE that guy.
I HATE that guy.
And his jeans-plumping ass.
Its true. We don't even realize we're doing it because we forgot the first half of what we're saying by the time we get around to saying the second half.
Oh we can disagree. Its just a big turnoff for me. I find Hillary to be basically a moderate neoliberal Republican. I think her supposed progressive views are puddle deep and she won't fight for them at all if elected.
What, you didn't see them literally sucking her dick? Watch it again.
I was kind of saying be careful what you wish for. Though I am for legalization, I'm not into the "culture" of it either.
The Broad City episode at the top was pretty funny. I like when she makes out with the high school boy. Did anyone else get turned off by that show after the episode where they suck Hillary Clinton's dick? For me it was like in Curb when Larry David can't have sex with that actor woman after seeing her photo of W.
No, no you don't get it. The plot shouldn't be about cannabis. It should be cannabis adjacent.
You mean pins? Storks? Poles? Stilts? Pegs? Stems? Sidlebinders? Dogwalkers? Swayers? Knockboodles? Buttstands? Calfjunkies?
It really is the simplest. job I have ever Do!
I'm gonna say no, though the correct answer might be yes. Yes.
Aside from drunk drivers the main "world drug problem" is the good ones are illegal.
It IS the efficiency drug.
Getting Stoned + "Art" == Good "Art" about 99.5% of the time until the high wears off.
I tried to rewatch it last year. It hasn't aged well, to put it mildly.
Scratch "not everyone" and replace with "almost no one outside of a college dorm" and I'm with ya.
Was drinking culture snuffed out after prohibition ended? Or did it just become part of the scenery? Now tell me your preference again. ;)
It might explain why he's afraid to open his mouth during oral argument.
I'm not about pot though I am cannabis adjacent.