
“It’s fun to go that fast in a bumber car, but c’mon. You understand how insanely dangerous that would be, right...”

“...I’m not sure where you go for bumper cars but any place I’ve ever gone the bumper cars all have to go the same way on an oval track or else you run into people head first and get hurt.”

Game Plan Step #1: Lose the 50 lbs you’ve gained since the last time you tried to do a pull-up.

Proper VPNs catch ALL your traffic before it leaves your machine, encrypts it, and forwards it to the VPN’s server where it is decrypted and sent out on The ‘Net with any responses going back to the VPN’s server, gets encrypted, and gets forwarded to your machine where your machine decrypts it.

The secret to success in the Nothing Invisible World is simply to market a random browsing engine that runs all the time accessing everything and everywhere.

Once the use of an ISP’s connectivity becomes an advertising bonanza for the ISP, the “financial factor” comes into play and one can bet the Terms of Service of the ISP will rapidly “evolve” to disallow VPNs...or perhaps disallow their use except if one pays a “special access fee” to the ISP.

“It’s bandaid at best but better than nothing...”

Mine was, of course, a rhetorical question - a raw datastream is simply raw data that has no “webness” to it - it is raw binary data with no beginning, middle, or end - beep boop bop.

“Why would you choose 1 single stock...”

How does an ISP - or anyone “outside” - inject traffic into an entirely encrypted data flow to/from a VPN server?

If everything is untaxed then $1,000,000 is available to earn interest off of. By investing in, say, Verizon one could make about $50,000/year pre-tax assuming Verizon’s stock price doesn’t tank (VZ is one of those fairly-high-dividend stocks that has never LOWERED dividends - about 5% right now).

“...i’m not going to need 5k/month when i’m shitting my pants in a retirement home anyways...”

“...Most job applications have ‘previous salary’ as a required field...”

Yeah, I’ve wondered about that - the last place I used a reservation I got the distinct impression the front-desk folks didn’t “check off” the reservation party arrived; they just sat us (we tend to be early diners so perhaps the restaurant was relatively empty).

Lol! I started up Steppenwolf, scrolled down, and started up the video in your post and they ended at the same time.

Looked to me like a kid pushed a button. see bottom left of reversed stairs.

“...Like, I bet getting to toot the truck horn yesterday was a reward for being “presidential” for 3 whole days...”

“...Maybe he got a word of the day calendar”

Indeed - this reminded me totally of the early 70s and electronics fun.

“...I bought a Pi about a year ago, and it’s come in handy for me to learn how to navigate through database systems at work...”