
For no particularly supportable reason, I think uSoft is heading to Linux.

Probably not.

Three Mile Island wasn’t a disaster, I believe. It got a LOT of press over, now, decades, but I think the actual radiation release was relatively benign.

“...the site also recommends against buying any kind of family plan...”

The scroll reads “My little house”, at least the first room’s version of it - not sure if it changes (as do the tea pots).

Hmmm...I told my installed version to update and it said 5.2.5 was available.

[rather off-topic but not unusual for a Gizmodo-site article]

You know his Apprentice comments didn’t just come out of the blue - Schwarzenegger just criticized him:

When trying to get RID of an ant colony (or two) I put out a delightful large meal of borax/sugar/water that attracted hundreds of the bugs ready and willing to feast to bursting, returning to the colony to feed (and kill) the ones left behind.

“...Tillerson, who has worked at an oil company for his entire adult lif...”

“I get these on a regular basis...”

“...I will live forever”

“...Is there some magic solution for people like me?”

“Countdown to the first guy trying to win a girl with pics of his swimmers...”

“...Some people theorize the universe is not infinite but loops back on itself somehow”

“...also, it’s not only unconstitutional in its violation of due-process requirements...”

“...Whats next? Wasabi flavored oreos?”

Gawd, my daughter is going to Japan this summer for “study abroad” for a course or two - and she loves sushi...and KitKats.

Nah, let’s wait for some more facts.

Someone needs the twitter tag “RealPresidentBannon (rather than merely “PresidentBannon” as has been bandied about).