
OMG, thank you! I guess I am not the only person in the world who believes this!

How is the intentional firing of bullets into a home not attempted murder?

“1 in 3 has..."

Meh. She’s a winner, you loser libs! If she can get away with it, more power to her!

If I was anywhere near these fuckers when they opened their holes I would just laugh loudly and derisively and say shit like "are you fucking kidding me?" Why don't people do that?

Christmas no longer contains any Christmas themes. Sorry.

Sadly, this is an accurate take.

I have often wondered whether the American people could sue Trump for all the damage he’s done to the country’s ideals, stability, and its reputation with the rest of the world.

Never mind.

Are they also sharing all the quotes from the insurgents themselves? The ones where they say over and over that they were acting because the <gag> president told them to?

“If the #Jan6 organizers were Trump supporters, then why did they attack us while we were objecting to electoral college votes for Joe Biden?”

I just HAD to check out the Yelp reviews and I do not regret doing so. 13/10 would laugh at this Becky’s expense again.

Maybe being “political” is OK if it means taking a stance against something that should be considered objectively bad.

Came here to say this. This is what liberals do when they finally get to place they can do things: they fight over HOW things should be done. Too much thinking spoils the doing.

“Marshall law”

Counterpoint: all marketing is and always will be an attempt to mislead the consumer to a lesser or greater degree.

That headline had a fight with grammar and style and lost. Clarity waited to be tagged in but wasn’t needed.

And 197 grown-ass motherfuckers voted against impeachment. WHY?

I posted this elsewhere but it was never ungreyed: Republicans are going to make this everyone else’s problem. If they keep pushing healing and unity, and that healing and unity are never achieved, it will be the Dems fault, it will be Biden’s fault. They can sit back and start pointing fingers and shifting blame.

Call the bluff.