this is so good.
this is so good.
Sorry, this gal needs to face some serious weight for this. Fucking around with false accusations just dilutes the real and actual gravity of abuse and abusive relationships.
That’s weird. Normally when Gawker wants to out someone, they just have Jordan do it on the main page.
Oh darn, kinda wish he was guilty. Was too funny watching a comment section full of SJWs lynch an innocent black man in previous column.
Can you ask Jezebel to cross post this just so they one billion unique clicks, and a few trillion comments?
Despite this recent turn of events...he still shouldn’t have smiled in his mugshot
As reasonable, nuanced, and measured as the previous article?
Yeah hate to break it to you, but if the roles were reversed Will Smith would not have even had a trial. Hayes got railroaded.
I read it as Rudy Giuliani seeing it being more profitable staying in the private sector while having Trump’s ear.
You clearly have missed the part where it’s called “Judeo-Christian” beliefs by the Right. As for the Left, they consistently tell Israel to stop fighting back against invaders, despite that in 68 years, Israel has never fought anything but a defensive war. And they use doublespeak like “rich people” and “bankers”…
I know, right? Remember when those Phillies fans beat that Giants fan nearly to death and now he’s mentally and physically handicapped for the rest of his life? Oh wait, that was a Dodgers fan. Hmmm, it’s almost like you can cherry pick stories from every fanbase in the country and use them to smear the rest of them…
This is heartbreaking. I wonder if he had tried to reach out to Dan Carcillo’s foundation?
Not sure what you mean, NHL is around 93% white I think. That doesn’t match the US either.
This works so much better than people realize. You deserve more than the 1 star I can give you. And you deserve more just for your screen name. #choochsiempre
Funny, a part of me questioned whether someone would blame the entire city for one asshole, and then I saw this comment.
You’d have a great point if he said anything like that...which he didn’t.
Antti Rantaa was hit in the head and removed earlier this year, which prompted the Rangers to ice Lundqvist as Rantaa was evaluated. They received no reasonable warm-up time and proceeded to allow (I think?) 2 goals. The system needs to be tweaked.
Its a grotesque burlesque show revealing all that is sordid and awful about sports, how could it not be entertaining?
Rivera, I bet, painted himself into a corner. I’m sure some back-up cornerback didn’t wear a tie one week and Rivera made some stupid point about how the rules apply to everybody or something.
That’s not internet correct, that is actual correct. The phrase is “throw an interception”. the stat is “interception” regardless of if it ends up being the QB’s fault in the All22 or not. Also, starting the game off with your crappy backup QB throwing to your crappy backup RB could easily be seen as a coaching…