That Karamo Brown story sounds . . . terrible? Like, their wedding is putting his fiance under so much stress that he was hospitalized, and rather than scale things down and get some perspective on his priorities, he turned it into an anecdote?
That Karamo Brown story sounds . . . terrible? Like, their wedding is putting his fiance under so much stress that he was hospitalized, and rather than scale things down and get some perspective on his priorities, he turned it into an anecdote?
Term limits would sidestep the issue entirely.
It’s kinda amazing that this Beard award winning restaurant journalist never contemplated the illogic of Stanich’s story - that a restaurant would have to close because it was TOO popular and packed with paying customers. A restaurateur in that position who wants out of the business simply sells to someone else,…
Marilyn did a terrific job of spinning it to her favor. When asked of she’d in fact had anything on for that photo shoot, she confidently said, “the radio.” Arguably the best fuck you answer ever.
People whose Mama’s don’t cook with salt and pepper.
Yah I agree. I don't care how someone gets there as long as they do get there. It's human nature that until someone you love intensely is impacted by something you just aren't as aware as you should be.
I wish everyone supported women because its the right thing to do, but the truth is that most of them just don’t. They need a personal tie to know its important. But if that changes their perspective about supporting ALL women?I’ll take it. Better late than never- your daughters can be the gateway to feminism and I…
Can’t imagine why Kim Cattrall wanted nothing to do with this.
Yeah, I’ve had enough of Hollywood’s fascination with the sexual exploitation of children.
JFC, that sounds horrific! It sounds like Kim Cattrall saved us ALL from that hell...ugh
Could do without the snark re: Amanda Bynes. If you read the whole article, she talks about her more general issues with body dysphoria. I have nothing but sympathy and compassion for a woman who grewup on screen while women’s weights and appearances are being constantly picked over and scrutinised. It sounds…
And how can they convince the Karens of the world to join them?
When you are in mourning, you do not know when you have overstepped some invisible boundary set by someone to say your sadness is Too Much, that you are just looking for sympathy, that you are asking for attention, that perhaps, you have not lost as much as another person whose loss is much more tragic and you do not…
I work in youth sports. Whether someone is a mandated reporter varies from state to state. Coaches and other adults involved in youth athletics often are not legally required to report suspected abuse.
There was just so much in this story that infuriated me, not the least of which he had absolutely no concern for the natives that he risked killing them all to teach them Jesus. Let alone breaking the law. Or the fact that no one there probably cares.
Another case of a man driven by arrogance, entitlement, American Exceptionalism, and Jesus....who met up with some folks who were NOT HAVING IT.
It’s a hate crime. The federal government absolutely has jurisdiction to prosecute crimes committed against a class of people.
I’m no fan of Rita Ora, but this is dumb. People have lip-synced forever in parades and unless you live in a cave, you should know this.
My father’s family often says things like “Oh, I’m sure he didn’t mean it.” Or, “This time he’ll smarten up.” He won’t. Because sure, I have memories of a laughing man, pushing me on the swings, or showing me how an engine worked, or allowing me to pin bows in his hair and beard with fond exasperation. But I also know…