Don’t be. While I applaud the Abes realizing what an asshole Trump is, they are, indeed, assholes themselves.
Don’t be. While I applaud the Abes realizing what an asshole Trump is, they are, indeed, assholes themselves.
You really shouldn’t apply logic to this situation. It’s not logical at all.
Insert Why not both? GIF
This has happened to me too. It is amazing.
Yet my friend whined about the concealed carry permit increasing to $100 in Iowa years ago. I’m sure he was spending thousands in ammo money a month. 🙄
See, when it first read the headlines I thought ‘OMG, what happened? That’s kinda funny.’ (Assuming it was like a slap or something) But reading what actually happened I’m thinking that’s effed up.
For me, when I was really struggling after college, I did direct-deposit, automatic bill pay and then most importantly, only used cash. So I decided how I could afford to spend a month (I was paid monthly too) and once a week would withdraw my weekly budget from the bank. If I ran out of cash, that was it. I had no…
I live in Japan and I was extremely confused by this. Even here you wear slippers if you are not wearing inside shoes.
So my SIL is super evangelical and was home-schooled & bible-colleged. Anyhow, every once and while she will come out with super gross stuff like this. And it’s really a puzzle to figure out. Like, is this how she thinks ‘worldly’ people talk & lacks certain social skills because of the home schooling? Or is the…
At one of my first jobs, one of my coworkers was from the Northeast and we talked about he ended up in the Midwest. Anyhow, he took a re-education offer from Kodak years before this and he talked about how much it improved his and his family’s life. Because most of his friends & coworkers were stuck in their hometowns…
So I haven’t read the article yet. But scrolling down just tell everyone my first reaction to this was “GOD! I fucking hate his face!”
Locale, certainly has to do with it. I had never been catcalled until I lived in NYC. And, if I could describe my clothes or appearance (other than that of a woman) in those instances, Mayim Balik would see it is absolutely not about that.
I KNOW! I was like ‘that’s two beautiful manicures.’ Her color is gorgeous and his nails are ridiculously well-maintained.
He’s delusional.
Yes, a lot of good people work in them. But you need to be there to make sure things don’t start going to sh*t because everything can change quickly.
Yep, I seriously like WTF?!
Omg! Yes! They closed all the Old Navy(s) in Japan last year. Most of which had recently opened! They closed the ONs because Gap was doing poorly worldwide.
Oh. And a lot of foreigners (maybe Japanese too but it doesn’t seem like it would be as pertinent to them) keep their passports and copies of their birth certificates in their go bags.
We are in Tokyo so we have a go bag. But ours is for an earthquake and probably has a bit more than most because we have babies.
My husband was adamant I not change my name because of this. When I was like ‘my name sounds just as foreign & is crazy obscure’ he just shook his head and told me ‘it’s a different kind of foreign.’ It is a super weird name but Germanic sounding (it’s not actually German).