Minivan Burnouts, Its a thing

This is unbelievably dumb, this is an event that has gone on for multiple years and is well known. You can’t plan for neo nazis plowing a crowd with your vehicle a year+ in advance.

Got the chance to drive a f350 with a 5.9 stuffed in it, was an awesome experience. Hadn’t driven a manual truck before that point, so I started in first gear and then proceeded to be the slowest of all. Truly beasty engines

Have a couple of tastefully modified TT MKIV’s in the area I live in, they’re cool and all, but 60k is too much.

Oil, exhaust, plugs/wires, tires as long as they have good UTQG ratings, brake fluid - dot 3 will serve everyday services unless your car reccomends otherwise.

All about the UTQG ratings.

I think the upsides to hcci huge, if they could get it right, but compression ignition with gasoline seems like it’d be on the ragged edge of durability with how volatile gas can be.

Holy balls, this could be a revolution or a giant mistake.

He’s currently doing that with VLF Automotive

A guaranteed 40 hour work week isn’t a thing in the automotive service industry, and probably never will be, good luck to them.


I love rotaries, but this thing looks and sounds like crap.

King midget, short man syndrome anyone?

I went to the Petersen while I was visiting family in LA, highly recommend it to anyone. The vault tour is totally worth it, and I wish I could’ve seen this.

I totally want one now.

I’m as much of a fan as the next guy of emissions standards. I enjoy the clean air, but they need to figure out where the correct crossroad is between clean exhaust and being overbearing, much like it seems the diesel standards are currently.

I think this is seen in a different light than VW. VW willingly and pathologically cheated even when the technology existed for them to meet emissions. Where as this is, possibly, more of a case of engineering much to closely to the standards.

Kinda joking, but I just love odd-ish cars. So cant get much odder than a weak 3 cylinder in a tiny hatch here in the USA. Need it along side a geo metro

I totally want a Mirage though.

Also a millennial, but I enjoy not dying in car accidents, and OBDII. So there’s that

So it’s fine to call Toyotas units then.