
“I can’t blindly unlock my phone while it’s still in my pocket, and because you have to swipe up to unlock the phone, it feels like there’s an extra step sometimes when I unlock the iPhone X.”

I bought the original Oasis for my wife when her Paperwhite broke, and neither of us could hold it comfortably. You either had to pinch one side, or span the back but then the buttons were hard to press. We returned it and got her another Paperwhite.

I thought this article would be more technical. Or at least state the obvious, that I’m assuming your gas engine will knock when it has diesel in it, which will result in the reader’s story of bent valves and such. At least that’s my guess, because it would make sense for diesel to have a lower octane than gas.

You can see stuff moving in the background on the left. I’m guessing some compression algorithm gone awry.

My wife had a press loaner GT in 2008 (I had to find a photo to remember the year).

I thought MY 2013 and 2014 were GRs, old EJ25. And 2015 was when they moved to 2.0?

My 2005 WRX had no of note for ~9 years. I replaced the starter, but I think a valet ground it down a bit. That’s it.



sounds just as horrible with a faster tempo

“However, all that glass does have me slightly concerned about durability, because now, almost anytime a scratch appears, it’s going to mess up the phones viewability.”

My coworker is getting one of these and we were just discussing how the speed sensor works. Do you have any photos of the magnets and sensor? On the Specialized site they do not show it. Thanks!

Is it more comfortable to hold? I bought an Oasis and couldn’t stand it. Pinching the side was uncomfortable, and spanning my hand across the back made it awkward to hit the buttons. My hand would cramp up after a while. So I went back to my Paperwhite where I have no issues.

Obligatory xkcd

Docked. Doesn’t seem like it should matter though. I actually finished the game last week. It got a little repetitive, and then ended rather abruptly. Or at least I didn’t think I was close to finishing it.

Sure, I understand. It’s just buggier than I expected it to be. I’ve played Early Access games that have less glitches. It’s not horrible, it’s just worse than the average of what I’ve played recently.

I’ve played 20-30 hours and I’ve had a handful of glitches. You haven’t seen the speech bubbles stay for a second after you finish talking to someone? Worse than that though I’ve had controls get completely stuck where I can’t walk anywhere.

This is one of the buggiest games I’ve played in a while. Nothing terrible, but I’ve had to quit a few times and relaunch. And the little speech bubbles always seem to flash after I take a quest from someone. Seems like it needed one more round of polish before release...?

“ZR will also give you a shorter approach, but it’s a bit longer than pressing ZR”

“AirPods have an option to tap for Siri streamed from your phone, or tap to play/pause.”

I don’t think this really holds up for iPhones. They sell everything, so if they could make more they’d sell more of them. I don’t think a scarcity of iPhones makes for more demand.