
Why not just say tech billionaire then? Silicon Valley is a place and this is wrong.

eh, knowing this photo, they’re probably screws. But yes, phillips-heads-probably-bolts

not down south. In SoCal these are to avoid these exact situations where a slow car could merge into a quickly moving carpool lane.

And who the hell uses phillips screws, especially on the front of your steering wheel.

I’ve heard the new z06s have overheating problems on the track (source: hanging out with corvette challenge friends at the track). I’m assuming when you go full race car on this it will be moot, but have they solved this for the track yet?

Well shit. I saw him play solo recently and he was spectacular. He seemed pretty happy too.

We really like our original Echo. Why so much Echo hate? I think the privacy trade-off is worth it, at least for the audio-only Echo. It’s very convenient in the kitchen.

This is when they installed the new high speed at Mammoth?

Off topic, but I was thinking that photo looked like front straight of BW with bus stop in the back. Read further down, confirmed.

Damn, I was afraid of this. I drove the previous gen with an auto up to the mountains a few years ago and it was so damned slow up inclines. I’ve eyeing an XT to replace my WRX (because kids), but would love a manual, but I can’t live with it if it’s still super slow. They also won’t put a manual in an Outback any

Yeah, I just saw a new Disco the other day and it looked very similar to the Evoque. It’s crazy they’re slotting another one in there - trying to keep up with the Germans now?

I’ve never played this, and assumed that first you meant the Sega game, and then fired it up anyways because I thought it would be a typing game (ala Typing of the Dead). Only to find it’s just a crappy game. And I beat your high score the second time I’d ever played (first time I didn’t realize you could jump), and

I had a friend in high school who lived on a big hill and drove a manual Ranger. When he had people tailgate him down the hill he’d push the stick into reverse just before the synchros and the reverse lights would flash. He said it worked well to keep people to a reasonable distance.

That’s a good looking plane - clean paint, tied down, etc. I’d have zero problem with that being parked in my nice quiet neighborhood. I also have no problems with neighbors with boats on trailers and RVs, but I think this plane looks nicer than either of those.

Shouldn’t we call this inductive charging, or something other than wireless? There’s still a wire going to your phone - it just doesn’t plug in - correct? Wireless means there are no wires...

and it’s still wrong

Good point, but if these were prefaced by a “TIL” then it would be more reasonable. Car blogs don’t act like they’ve just discovered cars.

The tach is the same size as the speedo. Seems like not a big deal it isn’t centered.

Because this is much more routine equipment than any of that. You can go rent something equivalent at your local equipment rental and go carve up a stump in your yard today.

Yep, just looks like a stump grinder to me. If you’ve ever had to take out a tree then you’ve seen one of these. Not very esoteric equipment.