
Yes, Cook is likely right, but we need to keep our facts straight, or it makes us look wrong. The FBI gave Apple the option of updating the device at Apple’s office, and the device doesn’t need to leave the office. Sure, this is still a huge security risk, but the FBI isn’t asking to walk out of the office with the

Of course. You saw I was responding to this, right?

This is true. I thought of that while I was replying but thought it was a can of worms. Maybe Apple could try to keep them out of that, since they could do this all at their facility. But I agree it’s a slippery slope.

That’s why I said this was a precedent case! What I’m objecting to is the article saying that suddenly ALL iPhones would be backdoor’d. Sure, your iPhone could be “hacked” if the customer got a warrant and forced Apple to create a new backdoor OS for it, but it’s going to be a case-by-case basis. Sure, once that

They could get the OS, yes. But actually the FBI only asked them to create the backdoor OS and install it on the phone. I don’t think they asked for the compiled file.

If they can do that (which I believe they can), then this whole order is moot and they can just backdoor the phone themselves. They don’t need Apple to write code for them, they way them to backdoor the encryption. If they’re capable of creating custom ROMs with the UID then they can do that now.

This is incorrect.

How did you clean the valves so nicely? Or are those just new valves?

They’re not getting code. I don’t even think they’d get the compiled OS - Apple can install it for them. And just replacing the UID is not a straightforward thing.

First of all, they’re not getting code. Second of all, anyone can install a new version of iOS on a locked device - you just put it in recovery mode on USB and you’re good to go.

I side with Apple here, but this statement isn’t correct:

Reminds me a little bit of an old EA game called Future Cop.

I’ve played games since I was tiny, and I recently got back into PC gaming, and this stuff keeps popping up (like the request for refund on Firewatch). I can’t relate to what is going on. Is this a millenial sense of entitlement? Is it related to the race to the bottom in mobile gaming? Would people really rather have

You know field of view has a vertical component too, right? What if you could see your bumper? What if it uses 2 cameras and one monitor?

I’m just speculating - but I’d assume it can give you a wider FOV with no obstructions (C-pillars & roof) in the way. Everything has backup cameras now, so why not put the feed for that in the mirror instead of the center console?

Thanks for writing this so I didn’t have to. Plus you did a much better job than I would have.

Nice, they fixed their flag on the right side of the car! It was wrong last time I saw the livery in a video.

That happened to me when I was a little kid. Our family was flying to France and when we got on the plane someone was in one of our seats and were pretty rude about the whole situation. Flight attendants quickly moved us all to first class, which, as I remember it, made the rude person even angrier (although that

even once I found the stick it was took me a while to solve this.

my almost 2-yr old has loved his Strider since he was ~1.5, whenever he could reach the ground with the seat all the way down. I’m hoping he transitions to pedals easily.