
Wait, what? They just emailed a week or two ago saying they were close, and today they had us create accounts and said the iOS app will be out in a week.

Tough. I have a lot of physical books, and love them. But since getting a Kindle I can't keep away from its convenience. Reading physically large books is more convenient. Lugging multiple books on a trip is now far more practical.

If it's hot it melt, my kitchen is often pretty warm in the summer. It will also go rancid quicker, but I agree, not usually a problem.

I hope he tracks that too!

Sort of like calling a quadcopter a drone, he's really converting ASCII, which isn't mentioned in the lede.

5 series GT. 4 series GC. X6/x6M/X6 Hybrid. CLS/S7 (although they both looked great). S-Class Coupe. E-Class Coupe. 6 series GC. 5-dr A3. A3 sedan.

My wife's work has a new S550 coupe right now, so there's that...

It actually seems like a tough call. I think it's probably a good idea, but you will lose a lot of people downloading a 3rd party browser because they can't find IE.

My dad was an early adopter of the Insight and still has it. Just got new batteries and it's going strong. His only hypermiling concession is over-inflating the tires though.

He was bitching about poker before getting to the final table, so at least he was a consistent whiner.

it's a balance bike, no pedals, use your feet.

Almost looks like my old nDS Lite charging port:

It's Hellcat Day! Hopefully Jalop will post 100 articles on it today and then be done forever.

is that micro USB? I can't tell from the photo what the connector is.

I'm wondering when those XJs will have their cabin vents AND their gear shifter motors die and make the car an inoperable oven.

You mean you're not supposed to have the front wheels turned at 45 degrees and mash the accelerator to the floor? Stupid Jeeps are worthless!

"If this were happening at another website, if another workplace was essentially requiring its female employees to manage a malevolent human pornbot, we'd report the hell out of it here and cite it as another example of employers failing to take the safety of its female employees seriously."

Didn't read the article - but aren't these retroreflectors? If so I can't imagine you're going to see much at a game or on TV, unless your eyes/camera is in line with the light source.

Am I the only one that doesn't like auto-dimming mirrors? When I'm driving at night I like to keep an eye on headlights behind me, and they're much harder to discern when the mirror is dimmed. Occasionally a huge truck or something will be obnoxious and dimming is useful, but I don't need that to happen automatically.

What happens after a landslide or volcanic flow covers your land? Do you still own it because you previously owned 500-1000 feet above?