Khizer Mahmood

Can we please just set up a new superhero in a special two parter like with Barry and then just let him do his own thing? Ray has been a massive pain in the ass this season. Also, Arrow is not a launching pad for other superheroes, it needs to have it's own storylines

Wow, I knew the ATOM suit wasn't going to look anywhere near as good as the Iron Man suit, but it was still pretty terrible, looked liked CGI, I thought that maybe the people who worked effects for The Flash would be able to make the suit look good. Also, the way Arrow finally defeated ATOM was lame, it's like "oh,

I don't actually know what does stories would be since I haven't watched Fringe yet, I'm planning on binge watching it this summer (along with X-Files and maybe Justified)

We don't have a way of knowing what Wells knows, he did know about that reporter guy having the scoop on him. And I'm kinda hoping they change canon, I want to see Barry with Caitlin, or even Linda, but not Iris

How funny would it have been if Cisco told Cold that Flash's secret identity was "Oliver Queen"

Theory time: Wells is a direct descendant of Eddie, and he needs him to have a kid with Iris in order to exist, so he calmly gives Barry advice about not changing time, knowing that he'll do it anyway, thus also erasing Iris' confession to Barry and getting Eddie and Iris back together

Maybe this caused an alternate timeline where the other Barry traveled to the Tsunami timeline, if so, I'd really like it if they revisited that timeline eventually

I know we're supposed to think that this is all gonna come crashing down, but is it possible that Chuck and Kim just screw Saul over, and he leaves them all behind to start over? Like maybe these characters have always been hanging in the background, and Jimmy just ignores them

The way I figure it, Jimmy and Chuck will probably do really well on the case, and then Hamlin will come in at the last minute and ruin it all by taking some action against Chuck for working on another case. Maybe he'll take over the case. That will drive Jimmy nuts and he'll realize that in order to be successful, he

Well she left the team before anyway, and back then there wasn't even someone who vaould Carey on the legacy, maybe she gets invested in Ray Palmer's plans and joins him in his crusade?

I've been struggling with that too. First I was blindly defending the season, then I gave up and started throwing hate comments around, this episode gave me closure. I certainly understand why the show runners did what they did, they probably didn't want or make this show look smaller compared to their flashy new

Theory time: after she found out that Sara was dead, Nyssa took her corpse to the Lazarus Pit, but as a side effect of being thrown into the pit so long after her death, Sara went nuts, and ran away. Ra's found out that Nyssa ignored his orders and took Sara to the pit, thus labeling her a betrayer and not making her

And then he'll have to confront his real feelings for Slade, so he'll be fighting Thea to win Slade's heart. Then we'll find out the Moira is still alive, then she'll marry Slade, so now Thea and Ollie have a crush on their step-dad.

Phase 3: Roy?

Here's an idea, the show ends with Roy leading his own team, and Oliver and Slade teaming up.

It's done now, the show runners got to their Ra's Vs Team Arrow story, let's just hope they don't fudge it up again

OK, this season has been pretty terrible, and this episode wasn't the most exciting one, but it was necessary. It firmly gives the characters a sense of direction and actually treats them as characters rather than plot devices. At least this season has done good work in developing the weaker characters (Laurel, Roy,