
Yup. I’ve made this comment on this site before, but remember having a conversation with a friend of a trans woman right after the 2017 women’s march. She was furious at all the women wearing pussy hats because not all women have pussies, and she took it to mean that the march was not inclusive of or interested in her

She explained why she uses Rosearmy. Its because that’s what she trademarked a few years ago precisely to push for change. Rose has been at this for awhile, screaming into the wilderness while the world ignored her.

Wow, that poor trans gal is going after the wrong people. Is McGowen some kind of leader that I don’t know about? I know she has written some kind of a book, but other than being an actress raped by Weinstein, is she in some leadership role? I hate to say this, but many celebrities have a surprisingly poor education

I mean the stats are different, and maybe Rose hasn’t done anything for trans women, but honestly? I think it was a dumb thing to do, and I kind of almost side with Rose on this one.

Nope. Way too difficult. It’s easier to yell about WOC’s “identity politics” and how our issues are going to cause the re-election of the Circus peanut. Even though black women stay voting to keep this place together. Also we should be worried about the 2018 election, but whatevs and stuff.

Here’s a quote from stylist Erica Cloud on ABC News:

I would prefer them not going, yes.

Yes. The chutzpah is literally taking my breath away.

That wasn’t a quote about rape, and that was a pretty messed up thing to do to a stylest who was, presumably, being asked a question about her job.

Traveling alone is great.

Get off social media. Do it now, it’s poison. Social media has given people the power to send their annual cloying “family update Christmas letter!” in pieces three times a week, with exactly the same amount of subliminal airbrushing.

I loved this post. Thank you for writing it.

My post didn’t post, so again I’ll try. Or maybe I should let the ether swallow up my angsty comment? I feel very, very lonely right now and I really should give insta a time out because of everybody toasting and drinking and kissing and looking all pretty and giving new year greetings. It’s making me feel worse about

You have so hit the nail on the head.

What it ultimately boils down to is: there are many more exceptional women out there than there are exceptional men. Ninety percent of the older single (unpartnered) women I know are intelligent, attractive and have many loving relationships with family and friends. I really cannot say the same about the older

Great post.

I appreciate your vulnerability in writing all this.

Early 30s here, I’ve realized over the past few years that I don’t particularly want romantic relationships anymore.. Personally, I’m quite happy with my single life. I like doing my own thing, I like the peace and quiet of not having to stress about someone else or share space. I like the loving relationships I have

I totally feel you. I’ve been in two relationships for a total of 2yrs each and I’m 35. At this point, I really am looking into using a sperm donor, but I hate that I would have to do that, because I would love to start a family with someone. I just found out my ex who broke up with me like 6 yrs ago has a baby

I’ve never identified with a Jezebel post so much. I’ve been single for 15 years (I’m 30), not for lack of trying. I’ve given up trying to talk to my friends and family about how much it sucks and how much I’d love to have a partner because the reply is invariably “try harder. Lose weight. Join a club. Lower your