
It’s a very good trailer. Here’s the problem - Prometheus also had a great trailer. I was really forward to Prometheus, and all I ended up with was a shit movie-lenght first act with no payoff that contradicted the original and did away with the one thing I loved the franchise for the most - that feeling that space is

You think that’s awkward? You should have seen the rookie who asked Rex Ryan about footing the bill.

Awwww [pats head] Bless your heart that you think my comment was anything about the quality of the movie.

If you’re 20 years of age and dating someone and you find yourself in a yelling argument with them, the relationship is over. Walk away and delete them from your contacts. Like that minute.
You’re fucking 20. Find someone else.
Certainly don’t hit them or throw them down some fucking stairs (????).
No kids and not living

“These two members of the Trump Administration were hit with the Stone Cold Stunner” will be a Jeopardy question in twenty years.

As a millennial I can assure you this is not a meme.

“Lets make the facts louder than the opinions.”

Why do you not think that Maeve’s “decision” to come back to the park to find her “daughter” was anything but the story written for her? Bernard only showed her that her entire plan to that point (and the next few steps) were coded into her, not that she was to actually leave. And when he says she’s done this before,

Maybe it will be good for Penn State to get a sense of how it feels to have its case ignored.

Isn’t that Rocket with a jetpack on the left and Star-Lord on the right in the first picture? I mean I’d love some multidimensional multiStar-Lord action but I don’t think that’s what we’re seeing there.

Notre Dame players think that they can simply apoligize during the last minute of the game all their personal fouls will magically disappear.

No matter what the NCAA says I’ll never believe anything from Notre Dame’s 2012 season didn’t exist.

It’s fine, but too often the ribs are broken.

This season is going to be filled with “Holy shit, Russell Westbrook! (Oh by the way, the Thunder are getting their asses kicked)“ moments.

Cowboys Executive: The way it works is we get ourselves in a good position and we don’t make a move again until it’s over. Got it?