
you should leave and go to a much nicer country.

So are we.

Its terrible to break apart families like that.

we shouldnt be separating families, its inhumane. send them back too.

you have to go back


yeah ICE should be nice to all the criminal scum that runs to US as a safe haven to escape all the bad shit they did in their home country

yeah, this country needs more illegal drug users who beat their wives. fuck this POS and anyone who defends him

So what you’re saying is that Zimbabwe cant exist without US?

5 incompetent bureaucrats, representing one of the shittiest places in the world, wearing Western made suits, watches and eyeglasses - turning their noses up on the President of a country that is about 500 years ahead of them.

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetically sad.

“In 2002, Sen. Feinstein introduced legislation that ensured all international sales of U.S. manufactured firearms totaling more than $1 million dollars in a single calendar year must be subject to congressional approval—a reduction from the previous threshold of $14 million dollars.”

More like an 18+ year assault 

Slavery was being presented in point #4

You dont know if they identified as white. Please be respectful.

Oh no, Trump insulted a guy who tortures and mutilates his citizens while trying to extort the world via threat of nuclear annihilation. Im’ so amberassed!!!1111

Yeah but did you know that US once had slavery? Your argument is therefore invalid.

“America First” is what made globalization possible: Bretton Woods agreement, 70 years of worldwide shipping lane protection courtesy of the US Navy, petrodollar, internet, our American culture, etc.

Pick up a book at least once in your life.

5 signs when you know you have been utterly defeated by Donald Trump.

Yeah, hes firing ICBMs over sovereign states, detonating nuclear weapons and his citizens are several inches shorter than South Koreans because of perpetual famines but did you know that blacks didn’t get an apology for things that happened 100 years before any of them were even alive?

Analysis: OK. North Korea is pretty fucked up and it does horrible things to its own people, but keep in mind that Trump presides over a country that did not formally apologize for slavery until 2009.”


The actual Trump quote that AV Club took out of context sounds perfectly reasonable