Yehudah Etxeberria

You are a fucking evil turd.

Well said. I do wonder however how the Deadspin commentariat would react if Fernandez had publicly held any unacceptable views.

This is a perfect encapsulation of Deadspin’s faults. None of these comments care what’s true. We have a “team” and what is truth is what the team needs to be truth. Bolshevism with none of the actual bravery.

Awwwww... you actually believe it. He has evidence she lied during investigation. Most logical reason for today’s press release.

I immediately knew it would be a field day for virtue signaling at Deadspin. My God, all of you are such amazingly moral people.

You assume more democracy is better. Please defend.

He said nothing unconstitutional. If you find it bad policy, vote against him. Congress has full power to approve judges or no Congress has the full power to determine the number on the Supreme Court.

I am fascinated by the secular Left’s attempts to build a moral system out of nothing.

And to think: Bernie could have brought that to us.

In college, a female acquaintance grabbed me by the crotch. Worked out just fine. But wasn’t 60 years old, 270 pounds, and repulsive.

The only thing he has over Mr Clinton now is the women are women e.g. are 18+.

They should abolish the minimum wage completely. It was established with racist intent, still has a racist impact, and probably is the most racist law in our country. Dont get baseball an exemption. End the ban on hiring persons with low skills.

Joe Biden is the fucking plagirist.

I loathe Trump but bullshit like this is why he stands a chance. Your write up is some type of approximation of what he said but not really. And you and Biden know it. And when people see what he actually said, bad enough as it is, it’ll look reasonable compared to the evil shit you just claimed he said. And folks

SMOD promises to end all celebrity endorsements all ghost written op-eds. Yet one more reason to vote SMOD 16.

Invalid reporting at a Gawkr site? What will happen next?

Soft helmets no facemasks. Without the bowling bowl cage on one’s head no DB would ever do what he did.

Castro is the Bull Connor of Cuba. And you are the useful idiot.

Why not just liquidate them instead? Amirite Comrade?

Hopefully never. The children shouldn’t be chastised by authority for their meaningless, costless virtue signaling. The fans booing their immaturity should also receive no condemnation from officialdom. That should be left to the spineless commenters at Deadspin.