
maybe that’s why she did it

I just think this is funny because this relationship got more publicity and attention than Kanye’s Famous video. It probably makes him so mad, too.

I don’t know about active butI like to imagine sex with Taylor Swift being very professional and thorough, with detailed post-coupling analysis, constructive feedback and harsh but fair evaluation.

Okay phew. I was thinking this was another woman's beauty secret I did not get like how to curl your hair and do up-dos.

What!? How is this possible.

I stopped watching OITNB (temporarily), but I love Poussey and Taystee, however I can get them. Even if it’s a Buzzfeed product.

Post Baby!

The more I read about this relationship the more convinced I am that this dude is behind at least half of it.

in my ideal world she spent the whole party with Ryan Reynolds doing increasingly escalating bits, trying to out improv each other

I share a name with a location, so my husband bought a shirt with “I’d rather be in (location name)“ on it. I’m with you on these things only being acceptable in the double entendre sense.

I’ve no tears for Chris Brown or his petty bs. He’s another one that’s always the victim, so when someone randomly makes you look bad, I don’t care.

After 17 years of watching her poor daughter’s delicate head treated with kidd gloves through surgery, scans and chemo she had to watch TSA smash it into the ground?

It’s just a number, and it’s entirely based on our particular planet’s trips around the sun. If 30 bothers you, then imagine if you lived on Mercury.

Lord & Taylor Parade. (TM)

“I’m happier, healthier, and more at peace with my life than I have ever been before.”

30 is an awesome age. Old enough to stop giving as many fucks, young enough to still have plenty of fucks left.

I was more upset about 30 than I was about 40. It’s more that I didn’t find myself where I wanted to be personally and professionally, and felt I hadn’t accomplished much. I’m 47 now, and finally TCB. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.

Am I deluding myself into thinking 30 is NBD? Everyone makes a big deal of it but I don’t see it. I’ve got 6 months to go. I like almost 30 me. I’m happier, healthier, and more at peace with my life than I have ever been before. Also I’m excited for my uterus to be so dusty and full of cobwebs that people stop asking

I’ll believe that maybe she’s really and truly getting her shit together when she says something like “I am an addict who fucked my life up despite numerous chances to turn it around. I’m accountable.” This recent quote is dancing closer to that than she has in the past but still.

I have a friend who caught her husband sexting with a friend because all the conversations were saved on their shared icloud. She told him “I’m not sure if I should dump you for cheating or for being so stupid”. This reminds me of that.